# Change Log All notable changes to xEnviro 2020 project will be documented in this file. ### [Known issues] - Occasional fast change of the cloud base. - Low visibility range does not precisely match reported value due to Flight Simulator limitations. - Snow coverage may differ from expected in some areas. ### [1.06] ### Added - Default option to Flight Simulator toolbar visibility selector. - Default option to Flight Simulator toolbar scale selector. - Simbrief destination weather applies with a higher priority. ### Changed - Cloud layer altitude change procedures. ### Removed - None. ### [1.05] ### Added - Simbrief tab in Weather Briefing. - Import the last generated CFP from Simbrief. ### Changed - General wind handling improvements. - Nearest station lookup range. ### Removed - None. ### [1.04] ### Added - Include xEnviro script to all found potentially incompatible modules. - Surface Snow Coverage otpion. ### Changed - Snow coverage rate. ### Removed - None. ### [1.03] ### Added - xEnviro exits with the Flight Simulator if Autostart option is enabled. - Uninstall removes xEnviro 2020 Community package and disables Autostart. ### Changed - Data exchange procedures revised. - Data exchange rate revised. - Improved On/Off flag exchange between the in-sim module and the applicaton. - Snow coverage now resets after aircraft relocation. - Database update detailed progress display. - Flight Simulator weather update procedures. - Flight Simulator weather change rate increased. ### Removed - None. ### [1.02] ### Added - Application scans Community packages on startup to look up potential conflicts. - Autostart option to start xEnviro with Microsoft Flight Simulator. - Adjust Temperature Aloft otpion as an attempt to have more realistic high altitude environment. ### Changed - Improved simulation units handling. - Wind updated in real time as a single layer. - Flight Simulator snow coverage adjusted to better match server calculated coverage. - Better UI font scaling. - Default installation directory changed to the system root instead of Program Files. - Installation path set to the existing directory during update. ### Removed - Multiple wind layers causing issues. ### [1.01] ### Added - In-game UI ToolBar window. - UI Main page. - UI Weather Search page. - UI Nearest Weather page. - UI Settings page. ### Changed - Better local units handling. - Precipitation rate adjusted. - Snow coverage parameters adjusted. - Turbulence and gust logic. - Community package check and update procedures. - Minimum ceiling is now in feet instead of meters. - Sliders replaced with selections in the Settings. ### Removed - None. ### [1.00] - Initial release